Before School Care
7:30 a.m. to 7:40 a.m.
After School Care
3:15 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
(Registration Information and Rates listed in the links below)
Welcome to the Queen of Angels School Extended School "Latch Key" Program.
Hours: The Latch Key Program is open at 7:30 a.m. and from 3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. each day that school is in full-day session.
Before-Care: (7:30-7:40 a.m.)
Our morning program will be supervised by school staff members or teachers at no charge to our families. If school is delayed due to weather or for any other reason, THERE WILL BE NO BEFORE-CARE PROVIDED.
After-Care: (3:00-5:30 p.m.)
The afternoon program will be supervised by our After-Care Director. If our school would have an Early Release day, AFTER-CARE MAY OR MAY NOT BE PROVIDED depending on the circumstances--i.e. weather, power outage, etc. (The one exception is our normal 2 p.m. Thursday Early Release Days--On these days, there WILL be After-care provided to those who have registered.)
Registration must be completed BEFORE a student can participate in the program. The registration form was offered to families at Verification Day. If you did not receive a copy, please see the link to the left, or call our school office for a hard copy.
We are committed to the best interests of the students in this program. We will provide students with opportunities for academic enrichment, personal enrichment, and activities and programs that support literacy and personal growth. This will include a nutritional snack, time to complete and receive homework help, curriculum-based academic enrichment activities in math, literacy, and science, and recreational time to just have fun playing with friends.
While children may be picked up by their parents or guardians at any time during the extended program, all must be picked up by 5:30 pm. If parents cannot meet their children at this time, they need to make arrangements for their children to go with another approved adult. If school is only in session a 1/2 day, there will NOT be After-Care available.
All disciplinary rules for the school will apply to the program
The program depends upon the prompt payment of fees. Charges are determined by the daily attendance sheets. The fees are necessary to cover the cost of operating the program. These costs include but are not limited to the salaries of the caregivers, snacks and activity expenses. Fees for the school year will be shared at Verification Day and posted here soon.
While participating in this program, all students are expected to respect the safety rules in place:
1. No student may play outside or anywhere inside the building without direct supervision.
2. No student may be dismissed to unidentified or approved persons. While we try to recognize everyone, you may be asked to show ID before releasing students to you.
3. No student may walk or ride bikes home without a specific, signed permission form from their parent or guardian.
4. All other school rules or regulations for safety and conduct apply for the Extended Care Program.